PFERD Combiclick Solid Grinding Disc 180mm SG Inox

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Pack: 10
SKU #239498


The broad range Performance Line SG offers a high-performance tool solution for every application and every material. Performance Line SG tools achieve optimum results with maximum economic efficiency.

With the CC-GRIND SOLID, PFERD offers a modern, high-performance and ergonomic alternative to the grinding wheel.

Grinding disc for stainless steel (INOX) with high grinding performance and maximum tool life.

Technical information

Abrasive - CO-COOL
Dia. external - 180 mm
Dia. hole - 22.23 mm
Max. RPM - 8500 RPM
Mounting system - Centre hole
Packaging unit -10 pieces


  • The fastest work progress thanks to highly aggressive abrasive.
  • Significantly more ergonomic than a grinding wheel: 50% reduction in noise and vibrations, 80% less dust.
  • Layered structure of the glass fibre backing pad guarantees use that is just as durable and safe as with a grinding wheel.
  • Clearly superior surface compared to grinding wheels.

Recommendations for use

  • Only use the face of the disc, not suitable for peripheral grinding.
  • For optimum results, use with a flat contact angle and the SFS CC-GRIND clamping flange set.

Ordering notes

  • Please order clamping flange set SFS separately.

Materials that can be worked

  • Stainless steel (INOX)


  • Chamfering
  • Deburring
  • Work on weld seams

Drive types

  • Angle grinder
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